Assessment of Existing Education/Rehabilitation System for Terrorist Convicts with Policy Recommendation and Support for Best Practices

The research employs qualitative methods such as interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) in the data collecting process. We interviewed individuals directly involved in deradicalisation programs, including people with implementing institutions, correctional institution officers, and inmates formerly enrolled in the programs. Through the interviews and FGDs from mid-October to late November 2017, the research obtained an impression and was allowed to evaluate the program’s degree of effectiveness and success. The assessment’s key findings can be summed up as follows: there is no proper coordination in place among organisations implementing deradicalisation programs at correctional institutions, be they government institutions, NGOs, or research institutions. This consideration is of vital importance as coordination of program planning, funding, and implementation very much make up the fabric to the blueprint for the management of terrorist convicts.

Geographical Scope: National

Region: UNDP Asia and the Pacific

Country: Indonesia

Theme of Research: Education Faith-based

Year Published: 2018

Responsible Entity: UNDP Indonesia