Assessment of Existing Social and Economic Empowerment Programme in Extremist Dominated Border Areas with Policy Recommendation and Support for Best Practices
This report is based on the assessment of social economic empowerment programs in extremist dominated border areas which includes field research, FGD, research finding seminars, Serial Engagement Meetings I and II, and policy briefs dissemination in the border areas of 1) Kepulauan Sangihe, North Sulawesi, 2) Nunukan, North Kalimantan, and 3) Batam, Kepulauan Riau. The assessment result shows that every program has strength and weakness. The weaknesses of the programs include poor program information, poor representative of social groups in terms tribes, religions and races, unselected participants, poor coordination between programs’ implementers and other related institutions, change and unsustainability of programs’ implementation, unachieved post-programs economic activity enhancement, program inability to solve the community major problems. Also, it shows that the social economic empowerment programs has not been connected to counter violent extremism in the border areas due to the fact that few residences of the border areas involve directly in extremism activity and that they mainly act as companion to extremists from other areas.
Geographical Scope: National
Region: UNDP Asia and the Pacific
Country: Indonesia
Theme of Research: Education Faith-based
Year Published: 2018
Responsible Entity: UNDP Indonesia