Research on Islamic Literature used at Schools and University Education
The focus of this research is to see the patterns and tendencies of the production, transmission and dissemination of Islamic literature, as well as to learn more about its accessibility and reception among the millennial. The research was conducted in 16 cities, which are Medan, Pekanbaru, Padang, Bogor, Bandung, Solo, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Jember, Pontianak, Banjarmasin, Makassar, Palu, Mataram, Ambon and Denpasar. Data were collected through observation, survey, and FGDs involving over 320 participants ranging from students and college students, along with in-depth interviews that involved more than 280 interviewees. The findings show that tahriri, salafi and tarbawi literature has succeeded, to a certain level, in attracting students, while jihadi literature fails miserably. Even though the amount is adequate, its influence is limited to those who are connected intensely with jihadi figures or supporting institutions. This happens because jihadi literature gives only black-and-white choices and forces them to follow dangerous codes of conducts and movement.
Geographical Scope: National
Region: UNDP Asia and the Pacific
Country: Indonesia
Theme of Research: Education Faith-based
Year Published: 2018
Responsible Entity: UNDP Indonesia