Assesment on Strengthening youth organizations: the revitalization of male and female youth clubs (Karang Taruna) and scouts (Pramuka)
This research employed a qualitative method y means of in-depth interviews with approximately 100 school students and Pramuka volunteers at public senior high/ vocational/ Islamic senior high schools in four locations: Bogor, Sukabumi, Serang, and Pandeglang. With regard to Karang Taruna, interviews were held with 50 managing members and workers in the four territories. Surveys on the resistance of Pramuka and Karang Taruna against extremism-violence was involving 150 school students from Bogor and Pandeglang. With regard to Karang Taruna, a survey was done involving 70 youth training participants from Sukabumi and Serang. Focus group discussions (FGDs) about policies on Pramuka and Karang Taruna; the Pramuka FGD was attended by 15 representatives of the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs (Kemendikbud), the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag), the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora), Kwarnas, schools, Pramuka, youth figures, etc. In the meantime, the Karang Taruna FGD was attended by 15 representatives from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos), the Ministry of Village Affairs (Kemendes), District/City Karang Taruna Forums, Karang Taruna members and volunteers, sociologists, etc. The finding shows that both Pramuka and Karang Taruna have been weakened and thus have a certain degree of vulnerability.
Geographical Scope: National
Region: UNDP Asia and the Pacific
Country: Indonesia
Theme of Research: Education Faith-based
Year Published: 2018
Responsible Entity: UNDP Indonesia