Assessment of Existing Economic Skills-oriented Program with regards to Radicalisation and Policy Recommendation on Economic Empowerment for Youth
The study comprises interviews with over one hundred respondents, FGDs, and field observations in Nunukan (North Kalimantan), Poso (Central Sulawesi), Solo (Central Java), Lamongan (East Java), and Medan (North Sumatra) conducted over a period spanning between 1 August 2017 and 29 January 2018. Respondents interviewed included school students, university students, youth and campus activists, community-based organisations, NGOs, entrepreneurs, local government services, and ministries and institutions in Jakarta. The finding states that rconomic empowerment is an effective way to prevent terrorism. The youth community, including former terrorist convicts, has engaged in economically strengthening initiatives in Lamongan, Solo, and Medan. They have successfully managed to curb the influence terrorist groups have over community members thanks to the assistance from and productive activities implemented by the government (BNPT and Ministries) and the community. The BNPT cannot by itself implement productive programs for the youth as part of preventing and combating terrorism; synergy and cooperation are needed on part of all the stakeholders: ministries and state institutions, the national government and local governments, the business world, and the community.
Geographical Scope: National
Region: UNDP Asia and the Pacific
Country: Indonesia
Theme of Research: Education Faith-based
Year Published: 2018
Responsible Entity: UNDP Indonesia