Assessment on Mosque/Jumah Bulletin in Indonesia

The research itself utilized a mixed- methodology: descriptive quantitative method, and qualitative method. The descriptive-quantitative method employed a survey of 122 mosque takmir as respondents in five buffer cities in Java, with purposive sampling techniques in 100 mosques within 9 categories: Jami (Grand) mosque, Campus, School, TNI / Police, Housing, Village, Government, shopping center / mall, and community-based mosque. The qualitative method include observation, interviews with mosque administrators, content analysis, and FGD. After completion of data collection and analysis, launching of assessment report was conducted to stakeholders and public on 18 March 2018 in order to increase awareness about the dangers of radicalism through Friday bulletin circulated at mosques. The event was attended by 87 participants, including representatives from mosque administrators, Indonesia Ulama Council, religious leaders, researchers, and the media. The research found a regular bulletin that has been widely circulated and contains encouragement to establish Islamic state. It called for urgent response among mosque administrators how to deal with such bulletin.

Geographical Scope: National

Region: UNDP Asia and the Pacific

Country: Indonesia

Theme of Research: Education Faith-based

Year Published: 2019

Responsible Entity: UNDP Indonesia