Public pulse analysis on prevention of violent extremism in Kosovo
This study has analyzed the perceptions of Kosovans regarding violent extremism and the resilience of Kosovan society vis-à-vis internal and external pressures conducive to the penetration of extremist religious ideologies and the ways the institutions can increase this resilience. It did so by reviewing quantitative data collected by UNDP and other organizations, reports and some of the articles published by international media and by qualitative data collected through focus groups organized with public institutions and security agency officials, civil society and citizens. Three focus groups were organized for this study, including one in Prishtinë/Priština, one in Gjilan/Gnjilane and one in Hani i Elezit/Elez Han.
A total of 21 experts, including public institutions officials, civil society activists and religious leaders participated. Participants were recruited based on their expertise and functions in various religious issues and bodies, central and local public institutions, educational institutions and civil society, as well as based on their involvement in both prevention and countering of radicalization and violent extremism.
Geographical Scope: National
Region: UNDP Europe and Central Asia
Country: Kosovo*
Theme of Research: Social Cohesion
Year Published: 2017
Responsible Entity: UNDP Kosovo