Research on Text Book for Islamic Studies at University Level

A research was conducted through numerous interviews with lecturers and content analysis of IRE text books in University of Indonesia (UI), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB), and Brawijaya University (UB). Through this research, the project was able to analyze how Islamic Religious Education have been taught in five largest Indonesian public universities, including the specific materials of Islamic studies, the content of the textbooks used by the lecturers and the students in the course. There are four main findings in this study, first it concluded that in general, Islamic Religious Education in the five largest public campus in Indonesia is relatively moderate and open. However, there are several lecturers who offer different types of religious understanding and teaching models of Islamic education. Second, the research found that IRE lecturers come from a wide array of academic backgrounds, programs, and faculties, which may explain why there is no standard of competence for IRE lecturers at the five campuses studied. While most of the lecturers in the five campuses are competent, but the study also found there are some with lack of academic background or training related to teaching IRE. Thirdly, the research found that the IRE teaching materials and topics vary from one campus to another due to different course management system. In some campuses, lecturers are given the autonomy to modify and innovate their curriculum, syllabus, and materials, while some others are not. Lastly, the research found that the religious orientation or affiliation of the lecturers largely affect the materials given to the students, be it textual, moderate, or even ‘liberal’ religious orientation.

Geographical Scope: National

Region: UNDP Asia and the Pacific

Country: Indonesia

Theme of Research: Education Faith-based

Year Published: 2019

Responsible Entity: UNDP Indonesia